
Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022
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Building Safety is a minimum expectation. Every home should be safe and every building manager should be able to prove safety.

KEEPING Safe in your home

Get informed

Read up on the Fire and Life Safety measures that are in place for your building. Make sure the current Fire Risk Assessment and Evacuation Plan is available in your Building Safety Logbook and kept up to date by your building manager.

Challenge your building manager if you spot mistakes in the documents or notice that critical Fire Risk Assessment recommendations are not being actioned.

Get involved

Take an active interest in managing Fire and Life Safety in your building. Residents are the first line of defence so get to know the systems in place to protect your building and make sure they are evidenced in your Building Safety Logbook.

These systems should include Risers, Smoke Vents, Emergency Lighting, Lightning Protection, Firefighting Lifts, Fire Alarm etc. All systems should be regularly maintained, inspected and itemised in your logbook.

Get active

Residents can play a huge part in keeping their buildings safe and should not accept poor service from the building management. Demand that your Building Safety Logbook is shared with you and the critical information within it is kept up to date.

Knowing that your building is well managed and safe should be a minimum expectation for all residents. Don’t accept anything less.


Building Safety Logbook

Every building should have a digital logbook to store and securely share critical fire and life safety information. A single, evidential record available 24/7 to residents and emergency services.

a statutory duty to proactively provide residents with a set of information that supports residents to understand the layers of protection in place to keep their building safe.”

Building a Safer Future (May 2018)


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