The Grenfell tragedy showed us that digital record keeping, effective regulation and resident engagement are key to building safety
As a group of technologists and risk managers we were reassured from the moment we read Dame Judith Hackitts’ Building a Safer Future Report in May 2018. She had identified a key role for technology in the management of Building Safety.
Dame Judith called for the creation of a ‘Golden Thread’ of information for high-rise residential buildings, that delivered “Transparency of information and an audit trail.” She went further to say “We must find a way to apply these principles to the existing stock of complex high-rise residential buildings.“
We knew that our cloud-based TrackMyRisks platform could immediately deliver the requirements outlined by Dame Judith. It could also handle the scale required (13,000+ HRBs), so we approached the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government and large landlords to offer our help.
Dame Judith urged the property industry: “do not wait for legislative change to change behaviour.” James Brokenshire, then Secretary of State for Housing, also confirmed in Parliament that the Government would adopt the Hackitt recommendations in full. However, progress on adoption of the recommendations and creation of the Golden Thread by Government and building managers has remained slow.
As our campaign for transparency in Building Safety started gaining traction we received a growing number of enquiries from residents to implement our technology in their blocks. So, in June 2019 we set up the Building Safety Register as a distributor of the TrackMyRisks platform and as a campaigner for the creation of the Building Safety Logbook for all buildings.
We enjoy working with Residents, Landlords, Regulators, Insurers, Lenders, Media and other stakeholders to make buildings safe and restore trust in the system.
We look forward to hearing from you…