Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, checklist for
Share fire safety instructions with residents and display in a conspicuous location
Share fire door information with residents
Conduct annual flat entrance (fire) door checks
Conduct quarterly common area (fire) door checks
Conduct monthly fire-fighting equipment check
Conduct monthly lift check (lifts intended for use by firefighters, and evacuation lifts)
Install wayfinding signage (flat and floor numbers in stairwells and lift lobbies)
Install and maintain secure information box (must contain contact details of responsible person, building plan and floor plans)
Report defective lift and fire-fighting equipment to local fire service (reportable if the fault will take longer than 24 hours to fix) fault and subsequent repair to be reported
Record monthly lift and fire-fighting equipment check (share results with residents)
Share external wall information (design, materials, risks, mitigations) with local fire service
Share electronic building and floor plans with local fire service
Share fire safety instructions with residents and display in a conspicuous location
Share fire door information with residents
Conduct annual flat entrance (fire) door checks
Conduct quarterly common area (fire) door checks
Conduct monthly fire-fighting equipment check
Conduct monthly lift check (lifts intended for use by firefighters, and evacuation lifts)
Install wayfinding signage (flat and floor numbers in stairwells and lift lobbies)
Install and maintain secure information box (must contain contact details of responsible person, building plan and floor plans)
Report defective lift and fire-fighting equipment to local fire service (reportable if the fault will take longer than 24 hours to fix) fault and subsequent repair to be reported
Record monthly lift and fire-fighting equipment check (share results with residents)
Share external wall information (design, materials, risks, mitigations) with local fire service
Share electronic building and floor plans with local fire service